Monday, November 07, 2005

Ban This Sick Beep Now

Ban This Sick Beep Now
Originally uploaded by Gringcorp.
Many of you, particularly those that do not live in Brooklyn, but also those of you that live in Brooklyn but deserve to have your home flattened, will find it difficult to understand just what it is about Marty Markowitz that disgusts us so.

Here's what. It came through the mail today (um, apologies to the Cutesome, who is the citizen to which it is addressed). The man's slogan is "As Brooklyn As They Come", and if that does not make you want to send a horde of pestilential ninjas round his place to rub themselves against his bedclothes, we don't know what would.

Still, it's not all negativity. here's a tune for you, Cutesome. We hope it gets easier. Mwah!


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