Monday, August 06, 2007

Cramer Erupts

Here's your multimedia for the day. Former Bear Stearns economistGoldman Sachs trader and current CNBC celebrity goes absolutely nuts about the fact that the current state of credit markets is going to put his friends out of jobs. Asks for a rate cut (this is actually very sensible advice, because I am currently trying to take out a mortgage.

The wig-out has been remixed to the tune of "Right Here Right Now" by Fat Boy Slim, although the author, for reasons best known to himself, has chosen to identify it as a Crystal Method tune. Nowhere in the voluminous comments on the post has anyone caught this.

I can't help but think that the sages of subprime need to get out a bit more. It's also telling that none of them seem to have a problem with deeplinking, that big no-no of the mp3blogging world. (HT Mr. Salmon)

[UPDATE: You smug git, Gari. Corrected elsewhere]


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